Tiger Wild Life

Tiger Wild Life Part-6

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Tiger Wild Life in Russia

Tiger Wild Life Part-7

A new national park in the Russian Far East will protect critically endangered Siberian (Amur) tigers and the world’s rarest big cat: the Far Eastern (Amur) leopard. Land of the Leopard National Park safeguards 1,011 square miles of leopard and tiger habitat. 
Declared on April 9.

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More Than Hope for Tigers

Tiger Wild Life Part-5

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Land of the Leopard Opens in Russia

Tiger Wild Life Part-4

A new national park in the Russian Far East will protect critically endangered Siberian (Amur) tigers and the world’s rarest big cat: the Far Eastern (Amur) leopard. Land of the Leopard National Park safeguards 1,011 square miles of leopard and tiger habitat.
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Tigers Roar Back

Tiger Wild Life Part-3

By most accounts, tigers face an uncertain future. A century ago, an estimated 100,000 of these regal felines used to roam the planet, but countless threats have driven their numbers down to an estimated 3,200 wild individuals.

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Tiger Wild Life

 Tiger Wild Life Part-2

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Tiger Wild Life

Tiger Wild Life Part-1

It was not long ago when the whole world was horrified at the news of losing all the tigers in the Sariska Wildlife Sanctuary in 2004 mainly due to poaching.

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